Saturday, November 30, 2019

My Perception of Marriage and Family Essay Example

My Perception of Marriage and Family Essay The family is the basic component of our society. Society came from families that multiplied and united years before. Society was formed by a form of social contract in which families volunteered to be parts. When we talk of society, we cannot help but reflect to the idea of family. The two concepts are corollary. It is the family that first teaches us how life should be lived. The family is the basic molding institution of each of us. It greatly influences our lives and the way we view life.I am from a typical Asian family which I consider a traditional type of a family. Asian family can be seen as a functional family in which every member has its own function. The father is the one tasked to find means for the whole family to survive and he is the one in charge in majority of the decision making process. The mother on the other hand, is the one who is tasked to raise the children and to do household chores while the father is out working. The children’s function is to take e ducation and when at home, they will help the mother in cleaning the house and in preparing food for the arrival of the father.As a person coming from a traditional Asian family, I greatly consider my plans of marriage someday as patterned to the structure of which my parents upheld with just some considerations. I look at my father as somewhat my ideal husband and I view my mother as the person that I want to be but aside from duplicating my mother’s service to my family, I want to be a working mother someday. My family context has a strong influence on how I view and want to live life as a whole but then again, I’m also capable of knowing the needs that may arise in building my own family. I find it necessary for me to work someday in order to lessen the burden of working to the shoulders of my husband.Basically, my family’s definition of a family and how it functions is a product of social construction. â€Å"Social constructs are institutionalized entity or artifacts in a social system, invented or constructed by participants in a particular culture or society that exist because people agree to behave as if it exist, or agree to follow certain conventional rules, or behave as if such agreement or rules existed† ( As a person coming from a typical Asian family, I also came from a particular Asian context having its own set of social constructs. Social constructs are perceived maxims of people that were put into convention and transformed into social beliefs that will influence people with their daily actions. My context is the reason why my understanding and plan of a family in the future is greatly patterned to the family I came from. The sets of social constructs are somewhat the basis of rightness of my decisions. The lives of people became always intertwined with these sets of beliefs such as I’m intertwined with the kind of family I came from. Social constructs dictate the lives of people. How people ac t depend on the set of social beliefs they have.Social constructs also undergoes evolution. It changes and grows from time to time. This is due to the fact that people’s mind are so rich and full of possibilities. It is capable of conceptualizing new ideas for what they perceived as for the improvement of what they aim for. Social constructs are dynamic because the minds of people are also dynamic. This is the reason why I am also open to be a working mother just like a mother from other types of family. I don’t hinder myself to other perspectives as long as it’s of good help in improving my way of life. It is part of being human that we create standards on how to live life better but it is also part of man’s nature to grow and be open for betterment.Therefore, even though I am from a traditional family and the context I came from greatly influenced my line of thought and understanding of marriage and family, I am still open and receptive of things that I deem to be right and appropriate and things that can improve my way of life due to my capacity to rationalize.

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